Fats are an important and essential part of our diets; they are needed for essential body functions, healthy cells and skin, vitamin absorption and the feeling of satiety. That said, some fats are healthier than others; monounsaturated (olive oil, nuts/seeds, avocado) and polyunsaturated (vegetable oils) are healthy and can provide some heart healthy benefits. Saturated fats (found in meat and dairy products) can contribute to higher cholesterol levels, but in small amounts can be part of a healthy diet. Trans fats (hydrogenated vegetable oil, shortening, margarine) are the least healthy and should be limited.
Choose unsalted nuts or seeds as a snack, on salads or in main dishes to replace meat or poultry. Nuts and seeds are a concentrated source of calories, so eat small portions to keep calories in check.
When you see, smell or think about highly palatable foods (those with more sugar, fat and salt) your brain triggers a dopamine release which is a reward-seeking neurotransmitter.